Tuesday, September 13, 2011
St. Ann Carnival - Eleanor's FIRST
Eleanor and I split off at first and went to play games. She of course LOVED the ducky game and promptly picked up a winning duck fromt he pool, handed it to the lady, then walked over to the prize table to pick her prize duck (actually this was after she was guided away from pulling EVERY duck out of the pool) of which she chose the princess ducky - I was so proud! :)
After that, she did go fish and was delighted to recieve a BEAUW at the end of her fishing line (a red bear she clutched the rest of the night). We then rode on her first carousel ride. I think she knew she was supposed to like and tried so hard but was kind of whiney the whole ride and had a frown/scared look on her face even though she tried to mutter out a few "whees" as she whined ha! She was torn...I thought the circular movement might have been a bit fast not to mention that the horse was also going up and down!
Andy met up with us shortly thereafter and we went to the petting zoo. Eleanor loved it at first but it was a little crowded and the duck Daddy was holding looked REALLY different from the "dutt tee" in her bathtub - I don't know that she made the connection.
After the petting zoo we went to the super tall slide and Andy and Eleanor went down on the potato sack and she had a blast! Once we finished with rides, we ended the night with a corny dog - Eleanor LOVED the greasy cornbread on the outside. Her vegetarian self still was not impressed with the hot dog ha! Oh dear.
We had a good night. I still think it was a LITTLE too old for her but it was also nice to get out and see friends! We miss you Nickells!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Eleanor's First Day of School
I was a bit sad that I was not able to drop her off on her first day but mom said the drop off went seamlessly and that E ran away without turning back...much like I did my first day apparently...like mother like daughter. Anyway, the school even emailed us a picture of Eleanor playing today and sent home her first school art project - a little drawing she did and her hand traced on a yellow piece of construction paper saying, "I love school." I am now understanding why parents take such pride in the "artwork" their children bring home. It almost brought me to tears and I am seriously ready to mat and frame it. Ok not really but it did go straight to the fridge! Now to Pinterst for ideas on cute ways to post your childrens' artwork...I have a wall in the kitchen that is screaming chalkboard or corkboard...hmmm creative juices start flowing!
Anyway, I am so thankful for this school and will keep updates going! So proud of our sweet grown up girl...she is getting so big! A little shout out to smocked auctions for her adorable apple dress and I couldn't resist the matching patent leather shoes...love them...surprising but I am becoming very fond of red on a one year old!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
What's New with the Reinbergs
ANDY is having a blast coaching at his new school. While we both really miss the Renner/Plano West Family, we have embraced a new family at Ranchview. I have gotten to know a few of the wives and really enjoy having partners to sit next to at the games. Andy's team was pretty broken when the entire new coaching staff inherited them so the guys have a lot of work but never before have I met such a positive group of guys! They are doing great things with the boys and so far all I have heard from parent commentary in the stands has been positive. I even met the principal who also raved about the team and change in school spirit. I am so proud of Andy and pray for strength for him - he is pretty tired right now and also overwhelmed teaching 4 new subjects never taught before. He is doing great though! We are excited for a long weekend to just be together as a family!
ELEANOR is such a grown up little girl! I love her mannerisms and really am to the point now where I don't remember life without her! We love having her apart of our family, especially now that she expresses her opinions more than ever! She loves to play with her babies and pat them on the back/change/feed them. she has such great manners - always says please when she wants something and usually says thank you. She also can SAY (not just sign anymore) "I love you." She is having a hard time with the EARLY wake up time, especially considering she would wake up as late as 10am this past summer. When I wake her up around 6am, we have a routine of getting up a little earlier than we need to leave and my new favorite thing is to get her out of her crib, lay bun bun and lion on my chest and she curls up laying her head on my chest and putting her hands underneath her body as we rock in the chair. Her sweet little hands feel on the outside of my tummy like they did when she was inside tickling ready to come out! I LOVE when she snuggles with me and it is a great time for us both to just shut our eyes for a few minutes and wake up. Eleanor is such an amazing joy to us, I don't know what our lives would be like without her. She starts school on Thursday and will be going 5 days/week from 9am - 2pm. I hope she LOVES it!
LINDSAY (I) am LOVING my new school! I FINALLY got into a school in Coppell, Town Center Elementary, and it is literally 5 min. from our home and is without a doubt the most amazing school I have ever encountered! Every day I walk in and think to myself, "How to I deserve to be here?" I can't say enough positive things about it. I am enjoying being a teacher more than ever and am trying to get better about having enough energy to stay on top of chores and make sure we have healthy meals planned for dinner/lunches while also trying to find the best deals for Eleanor's fall wardrobe! I worked Divine Consign in Plano this past weekend and while it wore me out, I really enjoyed it and always love the "hunt" associated with that sale! I feel so much more "in my skin" when it comes to juggling the teacher/mom/wife job than I did last year. I don't know if it was the breastfeeding or postpardum EMOTIONS but when I reflect on last year, I was a mess at juggling everything. Though I by no means have mastered it, I feel so much more confident about the desire I have and hopefully am fulfilling to be the best wife/mother/teacher I can be!
God is so good in the way he has led our family to where we are now. My only desire right now is another little addition but after much discussion and deliberation, feel God is calling us to wait another year :( I sort of hope that isn't the fact and that He will surprise us - that is the beauty of NFP but so far, His desire seems to not be a 4th member of the Reinberg fam. We are at peace with His will and can't wait to see what He has in store for us next!
Eleanor and I continue to enjoy bonding while we miss Daddy at all his football events and love cheering him and his Ranchview Wolves on from the sideline (Eleanor calls every coach on the field dada...they look the same from the stands...and loves to say go wolves!).
We are SOO ready for this hot weather to roll on out and the cool fall to come quick! My personal favorite time of year is upon us...Pumpkin patches, cute costumes, turkey and family time (not to mention Aunt Katie is coming to visit!!!), awaiting patiently the birth of our savior, pictures with Santa and walking through the decorated malls, celebrating His birth (plus the two weeks off school is pretty awesome!)...not to mention three+ reasons to buy an adorable smocked dress!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
- green bean chips (baked/freeze dried green beans)
- pumpkin seeds (no I would have never given them to her but I was eating them and she insisted so I let her try and her brand new molars got the job done!)
- dried cranberries
- freeze fried peas
Her school has started giving her lots of animal crackers and vanilla wafers so I really need to start sending better options as I don't want her to become hooked on all that sugar! :)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Eleanor is 15 Months Old!
You have been talking up a storm and love to repeat anything mommy and daddy. Some of your new words this past month are:
- Aggie, Whoop
- Good Girl (you started saying it on your own when I would commend you...it is so cute, goo gol is how it sounds :) My favorite is when I lay you down in the bath to rinse your hair and always said good girl to keep you from freaking out, now every time I lay you back, you say incessantly till I sit you up "goo gol goo gol" haha! :)
You love to give Mommy and Daddy kisses and hugs. You also love giving high 5's!
Eleanor, here are a few things you have accomplished in this 15th month. You went to the nursery for the first time at church and while mommy and daddy were a little hesitant, you did so wonderfully and we SO enjoyed getting to understand what was being said in mass rather than trying to keep you quiet and happy. It is just too hard for a sweet girl of your age to sit still for an hour, it isn't fair to you! So soon though, we will be so excited to have you back with us learning more about Jesus in the mass!
You have more than 8 teeth now! FINALLY - it seemed like forever that you just had 8! Your molars are coming in and you aren't too happy about it. I wouldn't be either, they are huge and take forever to cut through, poor baby! You still enjoy frozen teething rings and tylenol to help alleviate the pain.
You still LOVE to read. SO often, Mommy or Daddy will leave the room only to come back to you reading to yourself and identifying all the pictures in your books! You are so smart! You are also learning so much from everything you see around you. You love to put your apron on and get to work in your kitchen AND you love to feed your baby her bottle and burp her. You know now WHEN you don't have bun bun and lion and you always ask for them. Used to, you only wanted them when you could see them. Now, you know when they are missing and you want them!
You are back with Marmi and what a different experience it has been for the both of you. You are so much more busy than you were when she started watching you at 3 months! She is loving it but I think you are both excited for you to have variant playtime once you start school soon! Mommy and Daddy REALLY miss seeing you during the day though! It is so hard not getting to see your sweet smiling face as much. Especially for Daddy who will come home so late 2 and 3 nights in a row and not get to see you :( It makes him so sad!
A new thing you have come to love is chips/crackers and dip! You DIE for tortilla chips and guac or salsa and can definitely handle eating chips on your own. You also love to dip carrots in hummus though you just lick the hummus off and dip it back in without eating the carrot!
Your foot grew so much this spring/summer. You started with a 3 and are now in a 5! You are wearing some 12 month clothes still but mostly have transitioned to 18 - 24 month! You are getting so big!
You love to play games with whoever will play - you hide behind the shower curtain while mommy is in the bathroom and whip around to reveal yourself and say "pee pie!" You also love to do patty cake still and can do and say it (in your own way) all by yourself!
- patty cake (say and can do the motions)
- count with mommy, I say one two and you fwee, I say four you say 5 and sometimes 6, I say seven you say eight and nine. You also repeat spanish words
- you know consequences more...eat the green beans and you can have pasta and you do it
- first spanking...you like to swat/hit at people when you are mad, wonder if it is because Marmi told you to hit something when it hurt you. You hit Daddy and he spanked you wouldn't stop
- you love to say pata for pasta and you love to eat it! You also love guac and you say guac and
- you LOVE duckys, we can't wait to take you to the trails in Coppell to see some when it cools down, until then, you love your ducky in your bath, you say dut-tee and you say ka ka for quack quack when we ask when he says (ther animals you know...cow, sheep, puppy, kitty and their sounds)
We love you sweet girl!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Waffle Maker Round 2
The brand we now have and like is Chef's Choice and I believe this is the link.
Happy Anniversary - A Month Late!
What a terrible wife I am for just now writing to you reflecting on our now 2 years of marriage, well two years and one month :)! With driving home from a three week vacation on our anniversary, the new job changes that hit us like a freight train (in a good way) and all the normal crazies life can bring, we didn't exactly get to stop and celebrate. I say that but at the same time, on vacation and then throughout the past month we have taken time to enjoy one another and make a toast to our two years. Some of those collaborative celebrations included:
- a date trip to Gettysburg, PA to tour the battlefield and immerse ourselves in our favorite time period in History without sweet Eleanor concluded by a super yummy dinner at the Dobbin House in historic Gettysburg, a house that was erected before and stood during the battle over 130 years ago!
- A bike and walking tour of DC alone and an AMAZING late lunch at our new favorite DC restaurant, Founding Farmers (we ate there twice while we were there)
- a steak dinner cooked to perfection by you and toasted in our special anniversary crystal wine glasses with one of our favorite pinot's once we got home!
- The night preceding the steak dinner was accompanied by mai tais from our favorite restaurant in Maui to remind us of our honeymoon
Babe, you continue to amaze me every day. I don't give you enough credit for the hard work you put forth for our family and the love and enthusiasm put into your job.
The dedication you have to our family is most shown into your unexplainable love you have for our daughter, Eleanor. It is AMAZING to watch you two together and I cherish the moments we have just the three of us. In fact, I told you just the other day when we had enjoyed a breakfast together at home and were lounging while Eleanor played that this was all I needed. It was such a joy to spend that time together, just us three :) Thank you for loving our sweet girl so much and for guiding her already in her faith and providing an example of a man of God and father to her.
Thank you for the best friend you are to me. You know me better than I know myself sometimes ha! Thank you for the supporter and positive re-inforcement you so often provide me. I love you so much and can't wait to see what God has to bring us to come!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Eleanor's Feast Day
Monday, July 18, 2011
Eleanor is 14 Months
Eleanor’s biggest feat of her 14th month was the 23 hour trek across the country and subsequent 5+ hour stretches in between as we went from Texas to Virginia, DC, Baltimore, North Carolina, Florida, and back to Texas in only2 ½ weeks! She was a CHAMP! Considering that she sat in her car seat with very few breaks and stayed in complete strangers home for that extent of time and still retained her composure was amazing!
You love HATS, you go into our closet where Daddy's hats are all hanging and point and incessantly say "hat" until we post you up to get one. You got a PINK Civil War Soldier's hat as a souveneir from Mommy and Daddy's trip to Gettysburg and you keep it in your oven (random) but you love it and sometimes want to switch it out with one of Daddy's hats so it can hang on the wall too!
You love your babies. You are such a good mommy to them, feeding and changing them, patting their backs and pushing them in your stroller. We know you aren't ready for the responsibility of taking care of a real baby though when you slam them on the floor...haven't mastered the handoff/handling period of your babies haha! It is really sweet now that you are used to feeding your babies that you will often try to feed us or your other stuffed animals.You are doing so great at communicating what you want. You do the "all done" sign in your own way when you are finished with something and pretty much automatically without prompting when you want something you walk up and say PEA which means please. Sometimes it is so quick we don't realize that is what you are doing but you know exactly how to ask for something and often probably get annoyed with your slow parents :).You can identify pretty much all of your family from pictures. You can look at a picture of Mommy's family and say Marmi, Pop Pop, Teetah (Keekda), Maywe (Mary), and KT. You see a picture of Grandpa from Daddy's side and say PawPaw everytime you see him. Every morning when I get you out of bed (lately it has been around 9:30/10am!!), you ask where dada is and I say work and you repeat, "wowk". Then you usually say a lot of the other words you know, almost to remind me all that you know and then say milk and Barney...I have to remind you that you just work up and we will have them later when you are ready for your nap.
Eleanor, you have become a Barney FREAK! You know what the case looks like and will find it and bring it to me saying, "Ba PEES!" You are very deliberate with your Please but also very polite and appropriate with its usage!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Hurricane "Summer"
School was out June 3rd for me. That night, we left Eleanor with my parents and went on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Retreat. We had been urged by both our parents to go and really enjoyed it as it definitely opened up a completely new way to communicate with each other. It was exhausting though as we were both already dead from the end of the school year only to not get much sleep on the weekend and then if you have ever been on a retreat know how refreshing yet exhausting they can be.
Andy went to school for his last day that Monday the 6th also being requested to interview at Carrollton Ranchview High School for a Varsity Football/Head Track Coach position. WOW, to have to close up school and then go to not just any interview but one that required him to write an essay on the spot and that was very strenuous ONLY to have to come home to a psycho nagging wife who needed his help packing because our flight left the next morning at 8am to see his grandparents! WOW what a champ and what a lot to cram into one day. He ended up getting the job and well that is a whole different post!
Tuesday the 7th, we flew to Midland/Odessa airport and then drove 2 hours to Ft. Davis to visit Andy's dad's parents and siblings. We had a wonderful time, returned on Friday June 10th (almost already halfway through the month of June and we haven't spent anytime at home ha).
The week we returned was booked with doctor and dentist appointments along with Andy spending lots of hours up at his new school getting to know his new coaching staff and working with his new football players. We were, however, able to fit in some fun with our friends, the Vaniceks! We also celebrated Andy's second Fathers Day that weekend and ended it with a huge Mexican feast of his request, homemade and fried tostadas and fajitas with my family in attendance as well.
The following week on Tuesday the 21st of June, Eleanor and I left for Houston to brave the wildfires on I45 (yes we saw smoke on the side of the rd. but apparently were in no danger as the highway was open) and visit our friends and Eleanor's godparents, the Wentrceks, and the Tantons. Andy spent the week moving his old classroom at Renner (so sad he is leaving Plano but excited for his new job) to our garage and painting the locker room of the new High School. We had a wonderful time there and then headed home only to have to rush to clean house because my inlaws were to arrive the next day! AH yes see what I mean, hurricane, it never stops!
We had so much fun with Andy's parents and brothers, Tim and Mark. We swam, ate lots of food, and even made it to Grapevine Mills to do some shopping and allow Mark and Eleanor to create their first "Build a Bears." The Reinbergs left in time for me to have two days to do laundry, straighten up the house so we would have something nice to come home to, and do last minute things like exchange our brand new camera that wasn't working oh and buy my first Iphone because my old faithful of a blackberry decided to drown in the deep abyss of the whirlpool at the nail salon oh and one more thing, PACK for the three week trip we were leaving for on the 1st of July!
WOW - as if I didn't think the day would ever come/I would be ready when it did, we loaded the suburban at mom and dads and finished around midnight late on the 30th of June. Just before we hit the sack to wake up in a few hours and make the LONG trek out East, Dad suggested just loading up and going. Boy were we happy we did that. Eleanor slept a lot of that night and we arrived in DC (our first stop on the journey East) a day early. The 22 hour trip went fairly well and we had so much fun celebrating Independence Day in our nation's capital and most importantly with our sweet family (mom's brother and fam) who we rarely see.
So vacation had commenced and you would think vacation=relaxation. Not quite. My dear husband brings out the love of history in me. Pair his desire to see every monument, battlefield, and historical site he reads about in his history book with the fact has has never been to the northeast and you have a pretty exhausting itenerary. We went to almost every monument in DC, a few Smithsonians, the Capital/White House, and a few battlefields. We had so much fun but were so wiped out!
After that, we enjoyed a weekend in Baltimore with my dad's family and LOVED attending the wedding of and meeting my cousin's new husband, LJ. Still, no relaxation as we scampered to each wedding event and social gathering while sleeping in a hotel room and poor Eleanor being dragged everywhere.
That brings me to now. We are at my Aunt Gay's house in Pinehurst, NC to visit her family and my 95 year old grandmother, Grandmary (dad's mom). Today, I did get to sleep in and though I haven't stopped since I woke up and went running with my sweet "1st cousin once removed" (i learned this to be the title since we have been here...she is my cousin's daughter), we are enjoying ourselves! Andy played golf with everyone on my aunt and uncle's course whose 17th hole is visible from their back porch - don't worry, we brought them beer when they arrived at the hole ha! Grandmary taught me how to make her famous Maryland crabcakes and we indulged in an awesome east coast pizza chain for dinner.
Tomorrow we head to the pottery stores and Andy and Dad are off to golf again. I hope to get some time to spend with Grandmary and catch up as I haven't done that in quite a while! We will pack the car again and commence into the dark night for another 12+ hour drive to Perdido Key, Florida, near Pensacola tomorrow night. We are ALL hoping for the relaxation we have been craving this vacation once we arrive. We have decided we are doing NOTHING but passing out on the beach...well and taking turns playing with Eleanor in the sand (let's hope she is not interested in eating it). I have so many books I brought to read and well it would be nice to sleep some too!
I will add some of the, don't worry, 1000+ pictures we have taken to the post and future posts I am sure once uploaded on my home comp. Until then, let's hope this "Hurricane Summer" blows over soon and we get a little bit of relaxation in before school starts because crazily enough, there are only a few weeks left before that happens YIKES!!!!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Houston Trip
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Eleanor is 13 Months Old!
Some of my favorite things you do at 13 months are dance (especially during the clap song on Barney, you just jump right up and participate as if you were one of the big kids on the show), drag any bag you can find around as if it were your purse, say "bow" and bring a bow to me to put in your hair and sit still waiting patiently for me to put it just right in your hair (yes you do like your bows as much as your Marmi and Aunts thing you don't), say "hi" to anyone you see and you are persistent, if they don't say hi back you keep saying it (especially at the sleeping man behind us on your first flight), knock on the bedroom door while da da is still asleep saying his name and nah nigh looking back at me wishing he or I would open the door (when I finally do you run in and laugh and smile at the sight of him awaiting his arms to scoop you up), swim in the pool like a fish and force me to lay you on your belly so you can "kick kick kick" (you say it too while you do it), dunk under water and come up like a pro blowing out the residue of water on your lips ( no coughing or choking yet from this girl, you hold your breath!), lay in our bed and get SO excited to watch "Ba" (Barney) while you lay perfectly still drinking your milk before nap and bedtime, drop your bun bun and lion and paci in the crib when we get you up only to go back if we are playing in your room and point saying bun bun, LYN!, you SCREAM and love to exercise your vocal cords, you are repeating EVERYTHING (luckily none of Mommy and Daddy's bad words that sometimes slip yet) and my favorite would have to be "ocho" that you heard on your bilingual laptop, you are so involved in shopping now as you sit in your umbrella stroller - last time we were in Gymboree you, on your own, noticed a plethora of shoes and proceeded to scream SHOO SHOO SHOO until I acknowledged it (you are a shoe lover just like your momma), you repeat all the animal sounds but aren't quite there yet on saying the sound when we say the animal name, you can point to a puppy and say its name though!
There are so many new things you do and learn every day! It is so incredible! Here are a list of your words to date, I am probably missing some though - please remember too that they aren't perfectly annunciated but we understand you, usually :)
ocho, nine, uno, dos, fox, puppy, bear, cow, uh oh, shoe, ball, na na (banana), that, ba (barney), amen, abby, mama, daddy/dada, mamamama (Marmi), Pop Pop, Mary, Katie, Keekda, scotty (her new scottish terrier stuffed animal), bun bun, lion, wa wa (water), puppy, moo, oink, neigh, and lots more I just can't recall them all...
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
My new love...

Eleanor 12 Months - One Year
School Days are Over...For Now...
Just in case I wasn't getting too comfortable, my principal decided to ask me to move to another new grade - 6th grade! I am so excited to teach World History and Reading. I will be departmentalized and will also be teaching Science to my homeroom. I am also blessed to have the opportunity to teach with my friend, Catherine, again. We taught 5th grade together two years ago. So as the commercial for whatever that product says I guess, "Change is good."
I am so excited to spend this summer with my sweet baby and husband. We have a LOT to pack into one summer, you will be hearing more about it in future posts. SO to quote another, and might I add the fervor and excitement in my voice when saying, "SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER!!!!"
Sunday, May 22, 2011
How Old Are You Eleanor?
You had such a wonderful birthday weekend and were so thankful to have so many of the people you love there to celebrate with you! For more pictures of Eleanor's first bday celebrations, see Facebook!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
May 18, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Addictive TV
Friday, May 6, 2011
Eleanor's Latest Love

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Baby Jacob's Shower
Baby Blues
Well Eleanor is HERE, the waiting is not going to happen and this past year has been and has been growing like a weed and every single minute is so fun to watch and see her learn and grow. I have loved more than I could ever imagine, every minute of it so why, when our dear friends who are at this very second delivering their baby with our same Dr., possibly in the same delivery room as us, 13 days less than a year ago, I am halfway wishing it was me so I could have this wonderful year again?! What is wrong with me? How have I already forgotten the pain and annoying catheter bag associated with my recovery along with feeling like my sole purpose was a milk cow for my daughter? How have I forgotten how tired and on edge I was thanks to a combination of lack of sleep and psycho postpartum hormones? How have I forgotten how difficult it was (still is but at least I am hopefully close to the end) to lose weight and how frustrating it was that my hip bones just wouldn't go back so that I could get my jeans over them? I could list a million things, trying to rack my brain, even pregnancy as a whole that I did not like about being pregnant so why am I somehow not remembering them when I have this burning desire to go through it all again?
I think part of me does want to add another member to our family but the other says, "Enjoy Eleanor and wait until God decides when you are ready." I don't want everyone to think that we are going to write a post in a month about expecting a second child because right now we think the plan is to wait another year but God does like to laugh at us when we tell Him our plans though Andy and I really don't feel like we just made this up - it was through prayer and discernment that we felt that was what He wanted for our family. I guess my prayer right now just needs to be for peace with God's will and that He give me the faith of our Mother, Mary, to trust in His will and to be His handmaid, that He may do with me what He wills. Ah Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!
Monday, April 25, 2011
He is Risen!
We had a wonderful Easter weekend celebration filled with lots of family and dear friends! Andy and I even were able to make it to two Holy Week masses/communion services! Here are a few pictures from the weekend...
Eleanor's new favorite thing - to pick up objects bigger than her and carry them across the apartment.
Aunt MEA came in town and came straight to the apartment to see her "Mrs. Bubble". Her little clone also shares her love for cheese and went straight to the counter when she saw the cheese block exit the fridge. She then begged for the cheese until MEA gave it to her! She LOVES cheese!
We then went to dinner at Marmi's and had a great time with The Gentrys and Grandma and Grandpa who were also in town (along with Aunts Keekda and MEA). Nyah and Eleanor took a bath together - Nyah's first out of the sling! She is such a sweet little girl! She and Eleanor are about 4 months apart!
Holy Saturday
Another dinner at Marmi's after a fun day at Eli's bday party. The Riley's came over for dinner and we had a great time eating burgers and playing games. Eleanor is wearing her new outfit from "Aunt Amanda" - she loves her purple! :)


Our little girl is getting too big! She picked up and dropped in the basket all by herself all the eggs!
What a fun Easter had by all! Lots of yummy food and fellowship with family! Happy Easter everyone!