Monday, July 19, 2010

Eleanor 2 Months

Our sweet baby is already 2 months old, it is CRAZY! She has already had her shots and 2 month checkup and weighed in at 11lb 5 oz. and was 23 in. long. She is in the 75th percentile for both and is in the 50th percentile for her head size. She just keeps on growing and we keep on loving her more and more!

Her second month of life brought so many more new and fun things. She showed us her smile right at one month old. She began to show it even more and now responds to our high pitch voices with a smile and sometimes a laugh. She loves to move and kick and raise her hands above her head...soon she will know to do that when we say, "How big is Eleanor!?"

Eleanor has really started to vocalize herself more and is getting much more consistent at giving her parents a good 6-7 hours of sleep each night. We hope she will be going to bed at 8 or 9 (rather than her current 10 or 11) and getting up at 6 by the time we go back to work...we will see! She still needs to be swaddled in order to fall asleep and stay that way. Because she is on a wedge though, she has unfortunately been found (and freaked her parents out) slid under her blanket with a covered face. Luckily the blanket is muslin and thin but STILL! She also need sto still be rocked to sleep in her Daddy's famous and very tiring way - holding her head in one hand and butt in the other holding her out in front of you with her feet at your stomach and basically doing baby bicep curls as you bounce her up and down. It works like a charm but is def. not the easiest thing.
When she isn't sleeping or eating, E is pretty much always in a good mood. She is such a joy to us to just sit and watch and talk to. When you talk to her, she will usually coo back. She continues to like car rides and usually falls asleep. If she is too tired or hungry though when we put her in, it can make for a noisy and not so fun ride home. Eleanor also LOVES taking baths now! She sits in her little sling and will sometimes splash but usually just lays there so relaxed with her warm wash cloth across her chest and loving that special time with Daddy. E has also graduated from the newborn clothes and diapers in her second month and is wearing 1's in diapers (Pampers are our favorite) and now is wearing 3 and some 3-6 month clothes! She is growing way too fast! She needs to slow this down so she is on track to still fit in the Christmas dress Mommy bought her! :) JK we love how much she is growing! We definitely have one healthy baby!

Eleanor, we love watching you grow and swear you look different every day! We can't wait to see what beauty and happiness you will continue to bring to our lives! We love you! Thank you for being such a wonderful and happy baby!
PS I wrote this a long time ago - don't know why it ever got posted!

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